• elderly care
    Empowering elders to live life independently. Learn More
  • senior home care
    The Naimisha Advantage The care that we at Naimisha take in providing support to the patient and their family to bring about a collective harmony. Learn More
  • senior-care family coaching
    How Can Naimisha Help Elder care management services with the goal of improving the elder’s quality of life and reducing family stress, focusing on the rights of elders to have access to the care and support they need in the comfort of their own home. Learn More

our philosophy


Naimisha is a novel initiative formed with a goal of enhancing the quality of life of elders. Our values and aspirations seek to help elders balance their physical self as well as mind.


Naimisha is a professional Elder Care Management Clinic formed by a team of highly experienced and passionate medical and psychology professionals. Our expert team brings on board their vast experience in working in a hospital and home setting towards addressing the need to provide ongoing care for elders, well beyond the inpatient setting. The team joined hands to form Naimisha with the sole aim of providing community-wide Mental Health and Geriatric Care Management services.


Our key ideology is - Geriatric care is much more than just diagnosing and treating diseases and age-related health conditions among the elderly. We at Naimisha believe in empowering older individuals to continue living life to its fullest and are hence are driven towards working to balance all three vital elements in a person – mind, body, and soul. Being a value-driven initiative, Naimisha focuses on helping clients and families navigate through complex medical and social service systems.


Our Elder Care Consultant (ECC) will meet with you in the comfort of your own home or at any location of choice in the city, to assess and offer recommendations about the level of Elder care your family might require. Your personal Consultant will perform an initial assessment relating to health, psychological, and functional status of your elderly member. The consultant will then provide relevant information and advice to help you choose an all-inclusive Elder Care program that best suits your needs, all the while making sure that you and your family remain in control of all key health care decisions including well care, home care, and long-term care.

Naimisha is a private Geriatric Care Management Clinic. Please contact us directly for information on our Assessment and Care Management fee.

To provide holistic, novel and innovative care solutions for seniors.
  • To help elders receive qualified care in the comfort of their homes, and thus improve their daily functioning and quality of life.
  • To transform the elder from a PASSIVE PATIENT into a participating PROACTIVE PATIENT.
Individualized, personalized healthcare that is tailored to each elder and their family’s lifestyles; setting up an uncompromising standard of quality, service, innovation, and integrity.
  • Best possible support, companionship and personal care there is.
  • Compassion and Care in all relationships and service
  • Responsive and solicitous Customer Service
  • Clear and frequent communication with caregivers, seniors, and medical community
  • Tolle Causam- To identify and treat the root cause
  • Treat the whole person
  • Spirit of collaboration and innovation
  • Inter-professional practice model
  • Holistic and culturally inclusive approach
  • Acknowledge and respect the healing process